Tuesday, February 10, 2009

RIP Blogspot

I tried my hardest to resist Tumblr, but it's so damn convenient. Sorry, blogger. You'll always have a special place in my heart.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For the Record

I would just like to say that I hate the open D major chord so much. It's so damn happy sounding! That, and the open A major chord. A minor ftw!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Random Kindness

So, evidently we shared our band name with a band much like ours based in Chicago. They just started up in Winter '08, and they're doing the whole local thing, like us.

We were making a last.fn page and realized this. Today, I got a message from one of the guys in the band, saying we could have the name, and if we ever needed places to play or stay in Chicago or the surrounding areas, he'd help us out.

It's acts like this that make me incredibly happy.

Friday, January 23, 2009


So I was hanging out with my friends last night. One of my friends, Chris, was really sick. So I proceeded to stand against the wall pretty much all night, and pretty much felt like a shitty human being. My fucking germaphobia is uncontrollable. There is not a thing I hate more in the world. Once I'd like to do things like a normal fucking human being.

/rant. Sorry.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today was fucking awesome.

We recorded a song today for the Roots Compilation CD. It went so well. Our new guitarist brings so much to the table.

I was talking to Bill and Josh on the way to the studio. They said they'd be willing to drop out of school and quit their jobs if we were able to tour. I know that's a ways away for us, but that makes me so happy.

This year is looking great so far.


Amount of money I need by the end of the month:

$300 for car insurance
$131 for car payment
$75 for credit card bill

Plus I owe Josh $40, and have to keep gas in my car that gets 13 MPG.

Amount of money I currently have:

$230 left over from high school graduation
$111 owed to me by Eastern.

This is gonna be an interesting month to say the least.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


What is intelligence? What makes someone smart? Is it knowing a certain amount of facts and doing well on a test? Or is it knowing how to react in certain situations?

My own personal, worthless opinion is that intelligence has nothing to do with school. Anyone in the world can memorize a bunch of facts and do well on a test. After all, that's all college is! Knowing enough to pass a test, and then forgetting it all.

Gee, I'm awful cynical lately....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Dream

So, I had my first Philosophy of Religion class today. This class is going to be absolutely amazing.

My instructor talked to us about how people just settle in life. They go to school because there's nothing else to do, and they get sucked into thinking that grades are important. In reality, grades mean nothing. I could be the dumbest fuck in the world and still pull off a 4.0, or the smartest man alive and get a 1.0. Grades measure motivation, not intelligence. He went on to tell us that 99% of people get stuck with jobs they don't want, and continue working to reach their goals. But by the time they have the money to reach their goals, they'll be too old to enjoy them.

This really got me thinking a lot. School isn't my thing. It never has been. There isn't an academic subject I am passionate about. There's one thing I'm passionate about, and that's music.

I am twenty years old. Americans live to be about 80. That means 1/4 of my life is over. And what do I have to show for it? What have I done that I'm really proud of?

So fuck society, fuck "the norm." I'm not going to be one of those guys that works a lousy job to get by, gets married, and has 2.2 kids. I'm going to live for my dreams. I'm going to finish this semester, take my guitar, and do what I want to do: make music. If I can't do that with the guys I'm currently playing with, I'll do it on my own. This is what I want. This is what I dream of. Even if I don't reach my goal, I'm going to take a shot at it. I will not be one of those people on their deathbeds thinking, "What if?"