Monday, November 3, 2008


So I just watched Titanic and cried my eyes out...say what you will, but that movie is fucking sad, and beautiful.

I'm upset about a lot of things right now. I'm gonna go off and be misanthropic for a bit.

I hate money. I hate the fact that we go to school and get a job and all this shit and the only way we are measured as being successful is how much money we have. FUCK that. Money is nothing. Money will get you no where.

I also really hate girls in general right now. They fucking manipulate shit and make us feel like shit if we don't do everything right. I'm so glad I'm not in a relationship right now. I don't think I'm going to get in one anytime soon. Which sucks, because I consider myself a romantic and feel like a failure if I'm not in a relationship. I just want to find a girl who I can be myself around, and is supportive, and doesn't want to talk or hang out all the fucking time, but still be willing to drop whatever to come see me if I'm having a shitty day. Someone who can play the piano and or sing, and doesn't wear makeup all the time but still look great. Someone who loves something as much as I love music, and understand that that comes first for me, and doesn't want to have sex until it's absolutely the right time, no matter how long it would take to get to that time. Yeah, I'm gonna be single for a while.

I hate how my happiness varies from day to day. I can have days where I absolutely love my life, and then I have days where I hate everything about it.

I just want some god damn consistency every now and again.

Oh, and another thing I hate is religion. Fuck that.

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