Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bullshit Revelations

So my band played at Battle of the Bands yesterday. We placed third, which I am not at all upset with. In fact, I'm quite pleased.

However, I am really upset with my friends. A decent amount of my friends had nothing going on yesterday, yet didn't come out. I don't think they realize how important music is to me. I'm not at all upset with people who had stuff going on and couldn't make it. In fact some of my friends that couldn't make it texted me to let me know they couldn't make it, and wished me good luck. That meant just as much as being there. I love those people for that.

But seriously, my dad has a fucking broken leg and he drove himself out, stood in the back with his crutches, and watched me play. Yet my friends who didn't have to work and weren't doing anything didn't come. What the fuck guys.

To the people who came out, or who couldn't come out but at least let me know they tried their hardest to come out, thank you so much. And to my friends who would have come out if they didn't have anything (work, other shows, etc) going on, thank you just as much. I love you guys. You are my truest friends, and you know me well enough to know what I dream for. You are the best, and I love each and every one of you.

To the rest of you, who maybe missed our set to go to a party, well let's just say I'm going to re-assess our friendship.


I'm really excited to get a new guitarist in! haha And we have two shows coming up in the next 20 days that I'm really excited for. Plus we're going to go and get a song recorded for the Roots compliation CD very soon. Fuck yeah!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean man. The Milford show right before we rushed over to the PAC, I called up a couple people and asked them if they were coming out, and they would say yea yea, but never showed.

I wish we all could have made it in time to vote for you though.

Anonymous said...

:) I tried