Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Dream

So, I had my first Philosophy of Religion class today. This class is going to be absolutely amazing.

My instructor talked to us about how people just settle in life. They go to school because there's nothing else to do, and they get sucked into thinking that grades are important. In reality, grades mean nothing. I could be the dumbest fuck in the world and still pull off a 4.0, or the smartest man alive and get a 1.0. Grades measure motivation, not intelligence. He went on to tell us that 99% of people get stuck with jobs they don't want, and continue working to reach their goals. But by the time they have the money to reach their goals, they'll be too old to enjoy them.

This really got me thinking a lot. School isn't my thing. It never has been. There isn't an academic subject I am passionate about. There's one thing I'm passionate about, and that's music.

I am twenty years old. Americans live to be about 80. That means 1/4 of my life is over. And what do I have to show for it? What have I done that I'm really proud of?

So fuck society, fuck "the norm." I'm not going to be one of those guys that works a lousy job to get by, gets married, and has 2.2 kids. I'm going to live for my dreams. I'm going to finish this semester, take my guitar, and do what I want to do: make music. If I can't do that with the guys I'm currently playing with, I'll do it on my own. This is what I want. This is what I dream of. Even if I don't reach my goal, I'm going to take a shot at it. I will not be one of those people on their deathbeds thinking, "What if?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

youre absolutely brilliant.