Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I love everything right now

Today was such a great day. I kicked my good friend Chris Sweet's ass in Monopoly, then went and hung out with Scott Nelson. We played some Mario Golf, which is probably one of the top 5 party games of all time.

Top Five Party Games of All-Time:

1) Super Smash Brothers (N64)
2) Mario Party (N64)
3) Mario Kart (N64)
4) Mario Golf (N64)
5) Golden Eye (N64)

Fuck dawg, N64 is the shit. I need to get me one of those ASAP!

Anyways, after two previous ass-thowpings that I gave to Mr. Nelson, he came back with a vengeance and showed me what was up. That boy is a straight up balla.

During the middle of the aforementioned game of Mario Golf; Bryan, Zach, and Breanna arrived at Scott's pad. We played another game of Mario Golf (I dominated this time, though Scott did not take part), and then they headed to the show. I went back to my place, talked to my tremendous brother, who is my best friend of all time and the straight up dopest kid around, and then went to the show.

I got there during Tiger! Tiger!'s third song, because The Elbow Room decided not to invest in a sign. So I had a rather difficult time finding the place. But their set was so good. The same cannot be said for the other two bands, however. hahahaha

After the show Scott and I headed over to his place for some straight up chilling, which was mad ballin. And now I'm eating cereal. Apple Jacks = the shit.

Today was such a great day. I have so many great people around me, and I feel so lucky to have them all in my life. I love everything!

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